I made, BAKED, a batch of soy (or soya) milk muffins!
I don't know or how I got this sudden urge to bake but it started with me being alone at home tonight and I was wondering what should I do. So I thought of going out for dinner with a friend, but I realised I wasn't that hungry. Hence, I suddenly thought of baking.
But soy milk muffins, you ask?
Well, recently I developed this likingness (or addiction) towards a particular brand of soy milk. VSoy. Omg, those who has never tried it, please do! It tastes almost like milk! Mmmm mmmm.
Then I searched the Internet for any recipe that constitutes of soy milk and I found the soy milk muffins recipe. It looked simple enough but it turns out that it looked that simple because it was actually lacking some ingredients. I was halfway stirring the highly viscous batter when I realised that there were no eggs or butter listed as an ingredient in the recipe. So I put on my chef's hat (hehe) and improvised it.
And voila! It turned out pretty well. My dad actually said maybe I should have gone for hospitality instead. It tasted pretty healthy as well and it's cheap to make them! Weee! Maybe I'll suggest it to my club to sell it during our fundraising event. =)

You know what I realised today?
I realised that if at the right moments you decide to just give others a chance to say something, it can actually result in something even better.

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