Majority Wins? Not All The Time.

(Note: As promised SPM is now over and I finally can find time to write here. From now on, I'll try to be active in this blog.)

Recently, there was this meeting held by the residence of my street. The main issue of discussion was regarding the security in my area. Robberies at parang point has been rampant in my area. There were about at least 10 cases of robbery during the past two months. I know, my place sounds really dodgy and unsafe, that is the reason why that meeting was held.

Anyway as I was saying, during that meeting there was a voting session about whether to construct a bar to block access to our street via the little lane connecting us to the next parallel street. It's rather obvious that those with enough consideration would not agree. But since the decision was made through a voting system where majority wins, (I still cannot comprehend how most people think) the bar is to be constructed.

Really, some people think for themselves only and do not consider the convenience of others. It's a shame that the majority of people is made up of ignorant and self-centered human beings. This the very reason why we need a leader to decide certain things for everyone else. Because sometimes the way majority of people want things to be solved isn't the best solution. A leader plays a vital role in ensuring that not every single demand made by society should be approved. If laws were passed based on the concept of simple majority, then it would result in society possessing immunity against the rightful consequences of their actions. This is because man is known to be a selfish being. It is an innate characteristic that we all have. The only difference between each individual is whether he/she allows that selfishness to play a dominant role in his/her life.

It is understandable though that we have to be selfish at some point, it depends on the situation. But about what's happening in my area, it is simply at act of wrong sort of selfishness. In our street we already have a boom gate with a little guard house there and now they are asking to bar up the little lan that leads from my street to the next. I'll draw a diagram to illustrate.

Right now, my dad (he's the elected Chairman of our residence association) is constructing boom gates at the entrance of the other streets including the one next to mine. But then a group of the residence here had a vote and won against my dad and a few others to fix a permanent bar to completely block any access into our street. One end already has a boom gate which will be closed permanently from 9pm to 7am whereas the other end has a guard house.

It's not that it's not good to have tighter security but the construction of a permanent bar in the little lane should not be done without considering the convenience of the people from the next street. It is so obvious that some people in my street only think for themselves.


But what can we do? The voting system was based on the concept of simple majority where the one with the highest amount of votes win. However, that does not mean the decision made is the right one. Like my dad said, "We may have lost but that does not mean we throw away our principle and join them." He said those who voted yes to constructing a permanent bar would have to answer to the complains of the next street. He would not have a say or comment about that as it isn't his principle to do such thing.

Oh well. There's always a larger percentage of people with a flawed way of thinking. Not that the smaller percentage is perfect but as least they are aware of their flaws. And these people are those to be chosen as leaders of the larger percentage of people. Without them the majority of people would not stand a chance of surviving against each other. That's a fact for sure.