You wanna know what I feel most embarassed about myself? There are actually quite a few things but one of which I really, really, really detest is how easily I sweat. I'm seriously jealous of people who can experience heat without totally drenching themselves. Honestly, I break out in a sweat within a slightest increase in the temperature. Also not to mention when I'm nervous or in a hurry. Ugh, those are the worst. Imagine after getting showered, you immediately start sweating again because you're in a rush to somewhere. Ugh, ugh, ugh.

And then there's the full blown blush I get when I consume alcohol. Even before I finish 1 glass, I turn red. Not that I get wasted that fast, but it's always been like that. I read somewhere it's because my body cannot properly digest the alcohol or something. And it happens quite a lot to Asians. But I don't know, doesn't seem to happen that way to my friends? =/

Sigh. Ah well. I could go on forever rambling on all sorts of dissatisfactions I feel about myself. I know nobody's perfect, but why do I have to get stuck with 2 of the most embarassing flaws? Especially since I'm a girl. Ugh. I've already started sweating sitting here. Blasted weather.