Drinking Bees Essence

So as some of you might know, I have recently started my own online boutique! Woohoo! Please do check it out at http://chic-vigilante.blogspot.com. I've got lotsa unique pieces there and I'll be updating in these few days. So watch out!

Anyway, I fell sick a couple of days ago. Got the sniffles and sore throat. My mom thought I should see the doctor to confirm that it's not the piggy flu...and guess what, it wasn't. Yay, i guess?

And then my mom made me drink some sort of herbal soups and something called calamansi juice. But the worst was...the bees drink my mom made me. Yes I drank bees essence! Ugh. The drink was boiled with bees and some sort of salt.

At first when I saw these floating black thingys in the liquid, I thought it was those herbal flowers so I took a sip. I was expecting it to taste sweet but it was salty...and smelled sweet. Kinda like salted honey. So I asked my mom what it was...and she said it was bees. Only then I realised those "flowers" were actually gigantic bees!

Eeewwwwwww. *pukes*

I ran down to my dad and tried to make him persuade my mom not to let me drink. But he too said it was good for me. :( Sigh. So yes I drank bees. I can't believe it. 



Samantha Chow said...

ughhh...cant u remove the bees from the cup before u drink it?

Nikki said...

Lol my mom did remove it afterwards...but still...knowing it's bees... =/