It feels weird today. Not anything physical or tangible. Just some weirdness about the day. Doesn't feel "normal." But it's not a bad weird either. Just odd.
I have this strange urge to head out somewhere today. Just go somewhere. Anywhere. I've asked my friend, but she's a bit tied up today. I even thought of driving over to his place to catch him for a few hours before he wakes up and leaves for work. But ah well, doubt my dad would be approving of it if he finds out. Sigh... "..I miss waking up next to you. (>.<)"
Hmm but another thought comes to mind now. Maybe I should go to the library. There's something about the library that is so calming and peaceful that always attracts me. I love the atmosphere, the smell of yellowed books, the pin drop silence...and basically anything to do with the library and its people... except for the blasted freezing cold air-conditioning. But still it feels like a great place to be in.
But if I should want to go there, I will have to wake my dad up from his nap to ask him. I did try just now, by prodding his arm a little, led to no avail. Maybe I should try harder, as literally poke him harder. Lol. This is such a weird post. It feels like I'm just typing out my thoughts as they come to me. Haha. Okay I'll go down and poke my dad again.
Ah okay. I didn't poke or prod him. He woke up on his own. And yes he said I could go alone. So goodbye, I shall go to the library now.
My new haircut and hair color. You can't really see it from the pic. But it's called iridescent light brown. =)

national library?
Yep. The one near Dataran Merdeka.
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