How We're So Easily Amused (Or Rather Me)

I doubt much of everyone would take notice or give it much thought. I'm not exactly sure if everyone else experience or feel the same as I do. It's not something that we would bring up during hangouts or conversations. I believe this post would be somewhat unorthodox to what people would usually write about.

I guess it's because these little things which amuses us ever so easily play a very insignificant role in our daily lives. I wouldn't really say it is amusement that we feel but that's the closest word that I feel matches to the feeling.

What I'm referring to is the feeling you get when you hear, see or do something that somewhat amuses you. Like for example, for me I like the sound of rustling paper or the crunching of dry leaves on the ground. Or the sound of high heels against wooden floor. Or the sound of tyres against the gravel. Also not to forget the sort of satisfying feeling you get when you burst a pimple or boil and the pus comes oozing out. Yeah, it's disgusting I know but it does gives a feeling of satisfaction.

Usually you hear these little sounds of rustling and crunching pretty clearly in movies. Maybe some don't notice it because they're paying more attention to the overall movie. But me, I tend to pick up these little sounds and just...I don't know be amused. I'm not saying it's a bad or good thing. It's just something that I believe can be related to almost anyone.

I'm very attentive to changes of sounds around me. There was once when I was young I only started noticing how many different "little" sounds there were that I disregarded before. Honestly, I became quite irked by that and for one time thought maybe I was hearing things or that I was gonna go deaf or something. Yeah, I was around 9 at that time. I noticed the sound we get in our ears when we swallow liquids and then got so obsessed with all the other little sounds. I didn't tell my parents or anyone though, was too afraid they might tell me I'm sick. Haha. But I got over it soon enough.

Now, I try not to listen too intently to something. Usually when I sleep I try to shut out every little sound or else I'd be awake the whole night. I'm like that, when I do something I tend to overdo it. Like thinking or worrying or whatever. Yeah, I'm an oddball. I get pleased listening to sounds of paper being torn, fingers tapping on a keyboard, the clinking of cutleries against dinner plates, the sound when you stack tin cans of tuna/sardine/whatever on top of each other and so many more I can't list them here. I think I'll prolly get a monster orgasm if I keep hearing over and over again.

LOL. Just kidding of course. =P