Oh Noes. Writer's Block.

I know it's been ages since I last updated this blog. Been having the writer's block for a quite a while. Nothing around me seem to inspire or help in ideas of what to write. And I'm starting to feel as though I've lost that...I don't know. Like I've lost the ability to come up with great ideas and translate them into written text. In short, I think I seem to have "lost" the ability to write! =/

Gah. These few months sitting at home doing absolutely nothing is not doing any good for me. Everyday I wake up having to go through the same thing. I can't even call it a routine because for it to be a routine it has to be filled with some sort of activity. But for me it's like:-

10:30am: Open eyes, roll around in bed for a while.

11:00am: Go downstairs to make myself brunch. Usually it's some sort of nutritious drink.

11:15am: Lock myself in my room and sit in front of my PC.

12:30pm: Wake Teddy up so he can get ready for work.

1:00pm: Watch some videos or play some games or read interesting stuff up on the Internet.

4:00pm: Eyes start to feel tired. Takes a nap.

6:00pm: Go downstairs in time to see Mom come home.

6:30pm: Dinner time.

7:00pm: Take Princess for a walk with my mom.

7:30pm: Have my shower and then plops myself on the chair right in front of my PC.

Late in the night: Heads to bed.

And the same thing repeats again the next day.

I know. It's saddening.


Anonymous said...

I'm infected with the writer's block too! There are times when i'll open my blog to write something and just watch it fly right out of the window as i stare at screen blankly expecting gold to fall out!


Nikki said...

Lol yeah me too. I'll just sit there staring at screen or floor hoping something might just hit me.

=/ It sucks.

Unknown said...

People might think we're nutty, staring at the screen blankly and all... >.<