Well, guess what? I've aged! It was my birthday yesterday and that marked the 19th year of my living and breathing. One might say 19-year-olds are still generally young, but when you think about it 19 years is quite a looong time. It's almost two decades. Wow. I sound old now =/.
I'm feeling pretty blank here. I have no idea what to say. Sigh. It's just depressing. And I'm feeling just so tired. Not metaphorically, but physically and mentally. I know it's pointless and immature to whine, but I really need to let it all out. And besides, I rarely whine about anything in life. I embrace what I'm provided with and do not question it. Sometimes I just get really ticked off when I hear people complaining about mere inconveniences or sometimes even over nothing.
I always believe if you look at the brighter and more positive side of things, you'll see that things aren't half as bad as you may perceive them to be. A lot of things which people complain about, I had to work really hard for it, while they don't. So it just annoys me.
But I always try to keep it to myself. Why? 'Coz everyone's entitled to their own opinions, I can't tell them how or what to feel. However, I really do wish they would quit being so ignorant and start seeing their lives in a better light. It isn't as bad as they make it to be. It really does help to try to think more positively and be more understanding towards circumstances. Trust me, I've
been doing that all my life =).

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