Anyway, for this time it's gonna be about why do we study things which would not be necessary for our usage in the future. I know, being a student myself, many other students do not see the reason why we have to learn anything beyond basic maths and calculations or the process of rainfall. We think that if it does not contribute to anything we do in the future, why bother?
But then I realised that it's not really so much about whether we will or not use it. Rather it's very much in relation with how we human beings like to show and tell others about something we have discovered. Just think about it, let's say you made an incredible discovery about something which has yet to be learnt by others. Wouldn't you want others to acknowledge your findings and have them see things the way you did? Wouldn't you want to pass on the knowledge you have gained? Yes! Of course you would.
So that pretty much explains why we need to learn about the Pythagoras Theory or Newton's Laws of Motion. These people have made great discoveries and believe that others should know about it too. At this point, some might think, "Like I care what he discovered! It has nothing to do with me!" Just stop for a moment and remind yourself that it is in our nature to want to tell the whole world about our accomplisments. Hence, quit resenting our school teachers for teaching us something that might have zero practicality in the future. I know it's hard learning something which does not involve your interests but have an open mind. It does not hurt to know a little more knowledge.