Adults are humans too

(I am so sorry for the long delays between posts but I assure you in about 4 weeks time I would be able to update regularly)

It is ubiquitous to hear children say "My parents don't understand me." But as far as that goes, it is natural for us to look up to them as role models. Actually it includes other adults too such as maybe your uncle or neighbor. We being younger would always expect them to do righteous acts and show good examples.

That's where we forget that adults are humans too. Perhaps it's because they've always been the one lecturing and giving us advices that it somehow implanted a sort of high perception we have of the person. We may not realise what's happening and still consciously think that they do not understand your views on certain things.

It usually happens when you've known an adult for a very long time. For years you've smiled and shared daily conversations with him/her while formulating a certain kind of respect for that person. Then comes one day when you hear or see that adult perform a wrong act. For sure you would feel a little disappointed and let down because you never knew that he/she would do something like that. You've always expected him/her to be honest, fair, profound, impregnable to greed and so on. Yes, you are aware that both of you might not have the same concept of things but still you've never thought he/she would go wrong.

An example, I had this neighbor for more than 6 or 7 years. I would greet and smile at him every time we met. I've always had this idea that he was a friendly, honest and prepared to help. To make it simple, I had a kind of respect for him. Then one day, I learnt something about him. It was unpleasant news to me. The high opinion and respect I had for him shattered. I just expected differently of him.

After that, I stopped smiling and greeting him that frequently. I mean I still do just not like how I used to. It changed my entire perception of him.

So how older people act in front of us younger people may be very oblique. The true selves might be very disparate from how they carry themselves in front of us. And because of that we unknowingly form an idea of them with only the good values. We forget that adults too are humans.


Anonymous said...

not sure what it is he did wrong, but i would think it's a little unfair for you to treat him differently based on what he did that did not live up to your expectations.
unless he commited some crime-lah...

Nikki said...

Well...let's just say that what he did is actually his true self and that true self is not like the "friendly, honest and ready to help" kind of person.

Ryan Ng said...

wow, nice blog, good words, splendid layout... lol, keep it up.. newbie here.. things will get better too, nik (not even an acquaintance of yours, shouldn't call you that, sorry)

Nikki said...

haha it's okay. thanks for dropping by my blog.=)