Why The Angmohs Are Better

(Note: Maturity and open-mindedness is required to read what is posted below. Don't come with angry and insulted remarks when I've already warned you.)

I call it denial. A way of convincing oneself that one is better when in actual fact is inferior to the opposed. What I'm referring to is when people like us Malaysians compare ourselves to the Western community. We refuse to admit that they ARE progressing way better than we are. Even when it is true that the crime rate is higher over there and that they're way too "modernized", they always emerge better.

The question now here is why? Why is it that many Americans belong to the top 100 most influential people in the world and not Asians? What makes the US one of the strongest country today? What is it that they possess that we don't?

What I am thinking here is that we lack creativity. Like for example, it was the Chinese who discovered gunpowder. But it was the Europeans who improvised the recipe and usage of it. One thing about the Chinese is that they are always content with what they have, they don't try to make things better or expand the uses. I suppose it's part of their ancestral teachings or whatever to always appreciate what they have and never ask for more. But look how it slowed their progression.

Hmm...before you start thinking otherwise, I'm not worshiping the Westerners or anything. I'm not like gonna fall on the floor and kiss their toes. No, that would be ridiculous. I'm just stating the obvious. No matter how much effort you put in to deny the fact that we are inferior to them, it still remains a fact. But not all countries of Asia should be said to be like that, an example of an Asian country which showed great progression is Japan. During the World War II, Japan suffered a lot of damage, but look now, even with natural resources so scarce on their island, they are now the second-largest economy of the world.

Does it occur to you why? Let's not focus on comparing it to neighboring countries, let's just look at our country, Malaysia. I am sorry to say that Malaysians are a bunch of lazy people. We have first world infrastructures but a third world mentality. Look at the Japanese, they're really hardworking, disciplined and courteous people. And despite my dislike for their music and anime, I still cannot deny it that they tower way above us.

Okay, now I am gonna go into my theory why Asians are less progressive than the Westerners. I already noticed it a while ago but I only started really thinking about it during my trip to Langkawi. Right, it all starts when a child is born. Asian parents are really too protective over their children. They are so afraid to let them do a little exploring on their own and always insist on tying them down to their chair. Whereas in the Western community, I see many of the parents start exposing their young ones to the world at a very tender age. They're allowed to experience and discover things on their own. In Malaysia, parents always feel it's not right for them to know so much until they're older. We believe that we should always scold and punish them for being inquisitive and adventurous. What a way of thinking we have. (sigh)

What parents over here should do is to let loose a little. They're too tense and uptight. Many parents don't treat their children according to their age. Children should be treated like an adult once they reach a certain age like when they hit their teenage years. They should be trusted to be able to think and make decisions on their own account regardless whether it's right or wrong. Of course, parents' guidance and care are vital to ensure that their children do not stray too far from what's right but not so much until prevents them from venturing off on their own to learn new things.

So my conclusion is that, why we Asians always appear to grow and mature slower than the Westerners is because of our upbringing. We weren't allowed and were forbidden to know about too many things. It's never good to be overly conservative and pampering as it will not keep your children safe and protected but only make them weaker and unprepared for the real world they're bound to come into.


Brendon said...

americans belong to the top 100 most influential people because the reports come from them. we hardly hear about the really successful businessmen from india, there are news about them, but in small newspapers and are really small articles. did you see what they did to the japanese? they bombed the country. what about iraq? invaded. i'm not saying they're not improving well and we should strive to achieve more, but there is a lot of misinformation and a lot of information that we don't receive.

there might be some really upcoming person in north korea, but whats always in the news about north korea? nukes, overshadows everything else they achieve there, and label them as evil.

i won't be so quick to praise them that quickly. besides..... most of the genius businessmen there are jews. go figure